CBR103: Scientific Thinking and Writing
Scientific Writing and Thinking (1 credit)
Timing 10am-11am on Saturdays Coordinator: (Dr Shweta Ramdas) Instructors: Shweta, Latha Readings: Mimi Zeiger - Essentials of Writing Biomedical Research Papers; Strunk and White - The Elements of Style
Course Objectives
- Be able to read a scientific paper and summarize the important messages
- Be able to interpret scientific data
- Be able to effectively write a scientific manuscript or research report
Course Structure
Weeks 1,2: Basics of writing in the sciences
- Principles of effective writing
- Sentence structure (verbs versus nouns, cutting the clutter, varying sentence structure)
- Writing strong paragraphs
- Molecular Structure of Nucleic Acids: A Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid. Watson and Crick 1953.
Week 3: Structure of scientific papers
- How to read a scientific paper: https://web.stanford.edu/class/ee384m/Handouts/HowtoReadPaper.pdf
- The structure of scientific papers (the hourglass model): https://esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/bes2.1258
Week 4: Reporting numbers in science
- Reporting baselines
- Cherry-picking
Weeks 5,6,7: Interpreting data and summarizing papers
- Things to look for in a figure
Weeks 9-10: Bringing it all together: practice
Optional Readings
- On Writing Well. William Zinsser
- Calling Bullshit, Carl Bergstrom
- The visual display of quantitative information, Edward Tufte